
Sunday 15 January 2012

Why You Should Buy Natural Skincare Over Chemical Based Products

   Unfortunately, most traditional skincare lines have harsh ingredients that harm, rather than help your skin.What's Really in My Skincare Products?Unfortunately, many cosmetic lines contain ingredients that are harmful and have even been linked to certain cancers and other health problems.

 Many skincare lines use petrochemicals, synthetic chemicals, artificial fragrances, parabens, pesticides and herbicides in their products.  Common ingredients like propylene glycol, an ingredient found in brake fluid, is often present in moisturizers. Acrylamide is often found in lotions as well, but has been linked to several types of cancer.

 Not only do they contain no harsh chemicals, but they work with your skin to prevent the signs of aging. Natural skincare products, however, are free of these harmful ingredients, which makes them a great choice.If you scan the ingredient list for a particular skincare product and you fail to recognize many of the ingredients or have difficulty pronouncing them, they likely fall into the "harmful" category of ingredients and should be avoided.Natural skincare products are the perfect choice for any skin type.


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