
Sunday 15 January 2012

Common Skin Diseases in Children

Hand foot mouth disease is a very common disease.The incubation period is generally 3-6 days. Symptoms could be fever, sore throat, and loss of appetite, sore mouth, headache, cough, fatigue, and rash.The mouth, tongue, gums, or throat start out with the appearance of red areas.

These red areas turn into blisters which can form lesions.Lesions on the hands and feet commonly show up on the sides as well as backs of fingers and toes. They may also be present on the palms and even the soles.

 To keep this childhood skin disease under control and in preventive mode, wash hands as frequently as possible. Avoid any kind of contact with pregnant women.Most cases of childhood hand-foot-mouth disease are known to rarely have complications, but when there are, this childhood skin disease can include inflammation of the heart and also the brain and pneumonia may set in. It is suspected of causing a miscarriage in pregnant women as well.

 Hand-foot-mouth disease is very contagious and spreads from child to child to adult by direct contact with nasal or oral and even stool matter. This childhood skin disease appears suddenly and is known to be a self-limiting viral disease. The arms and legs would usually display red flat spots that also turn into big blisters and then into lesions.


Anna Millie said...

Yes as we know todays most sensitive human body issues are skin diseases because our life runing around unhealthy food and artifical junk food with no vitamins etc. i think skin disorder patient should try Cure Herbals product because this company using pure natural ingrdients with no side effects.

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